snapshot [our wedding day]
After we got engaged, we knew that our wedding day would be different. We both wanted to move away from the traditional amount of stress put on family and friends (and ourselves) and instead, keep towards simplicity, laughter, and memories. We knew that it wasn't September 15th that would be the defining day of our marriage, but our marriage itself. I would've described our wedding day as a simple celebration, a magical party of sacred importance. Five months later, all I remember is this abundant peace and giddy excitement as family and friends gathered to celebrate us- still, in awe. Here are some photos from our day. Everyone came together on the day before to help us set up, decorate, and bring to life the start of a lifetime. It all still felt wonderfully surreal. Day of: getting ready in the morning and feeling the jittery joy at seeing a message from HIM, my man. How I already missed him, and how I was ready for this missing...